A Wake up call on African Leaders agenst World Health Organization

The World Health Organization Are Becoming Death Predictors In Africa 
In A Recent Post 8/5/2020 The WHO Predicted Over Two Hundred Thousand To Die Of COVID-19 In Africa But Never Predicted Such In Europe America Or Asia Where It Came From,

 And This Is The Second Time They Are Doing This And The African Leaders Are Doing Or Saying About It,

Why Are They Making Such Prediction On The African Continent Or Is It That Africans Are The Main Target Because Even In America Almost one-third of infections nationwide have affected black Americans,according to data from the Centers for Disease Control,

though blacks represent only 13 percent of the U.S. population. Likewise, nearly one-third of those who have died across the country are black, according to an analysis of available state and local data by the Associated Press.

And All This Is From The United States of America Data,

The World Health Organization Is Surpose
To be an organization that should make sure such a thing never happen but I think they are the ones making things worst 

And also they have been condemning any herbs or drugs treatment for Covid-19
And this are drugs which doctors confirm are working very well 

Aficans leaders need to wake up and start finding vaccine for Africans,

Only if the African Leaders can remember during Ebola Virus the American government has the vaccine but never give it out African Africans,

When ask what they use to cure there doctors who get infected with ebola in Africa

And They Said They Use A Secret Serum To Cure There Doctors And They Never Share It With Africa 
They left Africans to die until Africa develop a treatment for Africans

So why do we think if they have the cure that they will share it with us this time

Note the world health organization only make money when people are dying around the world

We need are leaders to wake up because the wost is yet to come

Source Teeadex 


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