Police beats up Nigerian diplomat in Equatorial Guinea

                                        by Ranti Joseph
Even top officials beaten up, in Nigeria or outside, Nigerian Diplomat, Noah Ichaba, was beaten up by the police on the street of Bata, Equatorial Guinea.Ichaba said he was beaten to stupor in an incident that occurred last Saturday at kilometer 6, Roundabout, Bata police checkpoint.

It was also discovered that it has become a common thing for Nigerians to face unfair treatment from police in the oil-rich nation.

In its reaction, the Nigerian consulate in Bata condemned the police action and also demanded for an unreserved apology from the government.

According to a Note Verbale raised by the Nigerian Consulate-General in Bata, Ichaba who had with him his diplomatic Identity Card was dragged out of a taxi and physically assaulted.

He sustained facial wounds during the attack.


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