Xenophobia: South Africa to release victims names

The South African government has said on Monday that it will release the names of foreign nationals killed in the attacks on foreigners by its citizens.

In a statement it issued and made available to our correspondent, the South African Presidency said it had received media enquiries about the names of foreign nationals who were tragically killed during the violence that broke out in KwaZulu-Natal.

“Government is still in the process of verifying the information and the names will be released as soon as there has been conclusive positive identification of the victims.

“President Zuma released the names of the three South Africans who were killed in KwaZulu-Natal and Mr Manuel Jossias of Mozambique who was killed in Alexandra township, Johannesburg,” the Presidency said.

It added that President Zuma once again extended condolences to all affected families on behalf of the government and the people of South Africa.

The South African government, the statement said, was in touch with the embassies of affected countries to ensure careful management of “this difficult and painful process.”

The government stated further that its police were working around the clock to apprehend the perpetrators of the violence.

“President Zuma requests all who have information about the incidents in which the victims were killed to come forward so that those responsible are brought to book,” it said.


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