The Queen is no longer on the list of UK's riches

Queen Elizabeth is now the 302nd wealthiest person in Britain, according to the Sunday Times.
Image: Kirsty Wigglesworth/Associated Press

LONDON — The Queen has fallen out of the Sunday Times' annual rich list for the first time.

Her wealth may have grown by £10 million over the past year, but it's not enough to keep her in the countdown of the 300 richest people in Britain, thanks to a dramatic increase in the country's billionaires.
A fortune of £100 million is required to make it into the top 1,000. In 1997, you just needed £15 million to make the grade, the Evening Standard reports.

The Queen is thought to be worth around £340 million, a relative pittance that places her at number 302. The Queen is thought to be worth around £340 million, a relative pittance that places her at number 302.

Ukrainian-born businessman Len Blavatnik tops the list, with wealth reported to be around £13.17 billion. His acquisition of the Warner Music Group has been credited as a big factor in his fortune.

The combined fortune of the wealthiest 1,000 individuals has doubled over the last decade, meanwhile, from £250 billion in 2005 to £540 billion.

Those 1,000 richest people have more money than the poorest 40% of households combined, according to the Equality Trust.

Paul McCartney, Andrew Lloyd-Webber and U2 topped the list of richest musicians, with £730 million, £650 million and £431 million respectively. Which makes them all worth more than the Queen.


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