4 Nigerians executed for drug trafficking in Indonesia have been buried

Consigned to fate and journeying towards execution by firing squad, the four Nigerains and 4 other nationals convicted of drug-related charges in Indonesia, delved into a rendition of popular hymn “Amazing Grace”.
The convicts — two from Australia, one from Brazil, four from Africa and one Indonesian — made the long journey from their prison to clearings on a prison island to meet their fate early Wednesday.

The 8 condemned drug traffickers sang praises to God as they made their way to death’s arms in Indonesian prison island.

While in a town of Cilacap across the water, a small band of mourners held a candlelight vigil, and also joined them in singing “Amazing Grace”.

Defiant even as the clutch of death beckoned, the 8 convicts reportedly refused to be blindfolded as they continued singing songs of praises until the gunfire from the firing squads rang out.


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